The Little Prince of Lyon

Esta é a versão em Inglês do post O Pequeno Príncipe de Lyon. Pedi para Kawã Galvão traduzi-lo para que a Livia possa ler e divulgar entre seus amigos com maior conforto. Se você quer praticar seu inglês, aproveite!

You blog readers must remember how touched and excited I was about the Little Prince movie, when I watched it in September. By the way, I made some mugs to sell in my online store following this theme, and to inspire me, I googled it. In my search that I discovered this instagram account:


I enjoyed it so much, that I asked the owner permission to spread the photos and her instagram account here on my blog. Would you like to meet her? Come with me!

Her name is Livia. She has already lived in Sydney, Australia and Geneva, Switzerland, and has been living in Lyon, France since March. The correct pronunciation is “leeon”, it’s not like Lion (English). By the way, in Brazil we call this city by “Lião”, but I’ll keep calling it Lyon, because it’s more fancy.

PP 1 Catedral de Saint Jean
The first version of The Little Prince and The Fox, on Saint Jean’s Cathedral

Well, let’s focus! The fact is, she decided to start this account on Instagram because Lyon – look at that! – is the native city of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince. The intention was to make something funny and cool. So, she got this little Prince action figure and began to photograph it traveling throughout the city! Later, she also began to bring him on all her travels, introducing the world to the Little Prince. Look at how cute he is 🙂

PP Lyon.
A view of the countryside near Lyon

The most interesting thing about this story is that she didn’t plan anything and did not even know that in the same year the animated film of the Little Prince would premiere. All she had was her love for the story and the desire to bring joy to people through their photos!

PP Lyon
Beautiful autumn picture!

As you can see, the pictures are amazing! The action figure poses show how curious he is about our planet in the book, and that’s exactly the feeling he transmits in Livia’s photos. Pay attention to each picture, it seems like he is really in there, being part of the scenery, admiring the city so curious like a kid!

Charming, isn’t it?

Due to this beautiful work, in September, Livia won an award from “OnlyLyon” the tourism promotion office of the city, for introducing the city’s attractions to people all around the world.

PP Roda Gigante
When I say the pictures are fantastic, I’m not exaggerating.

I hope I have left in your heart the desire to see more of Livia’s wonderful work, and join her (up till now) more than 5.500 followers on Instagram. You just have to click on any of the photos I posted here. As well as that, you can see other excellent photos taken by her on her blog in Chamelle Designs.

Enjoy! 😉

PP Castelo de Bellver (Espanha)
Bellver Castle, in Spain
pp China
Visiting China
pp espanha
A beach in Mallorca, Spain
PP Paris
In Paris, a classic one!
PP Toulouse
With a statue of his creator, in Toulouse
And here is Livia! Click in the picture to visit her portfolio!

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